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Svensk jazzhistoria [Ljudupptagning]. . Vol. 5, , Jazzen anfaller : Swedish jazz 1943-47

Material type: MusicMusicPublication details: Stockholm : Caprice, [1992]-Description: 2 CD + kommentarhSubject(s): Genre/Form: Other classification:
  • Yxca
  • Yxcb
  • Yxca
Innehåll: St. Louis blues. Hot love. Plinke plonke. Typer på Grönan. I want music. I've found a new baby. Mr Five by five. Mississippi mood. One hundred per cent. Jitterbug. Jumpin' at La Visite. Is you is or is you ain't my baby. Jam session. Hundred swing. Lulle's lullaby. Lulle's lullaby. Canon-boogie. Ridin' high. That da-da-strain. Truckin'. The Sheik of Araby. Body and soul. Reportage från Nalen. Flying home. I surrender dear. Hallelujah. If I could be with you. Painted rhythm. Tea for two. Stardust. After you've gone. Hey ba-ba-re-bop. All the things you are. I ain't got nobody. Sinbad the sailor. Sinbad sjöfararen. Shoo fly pie. Afternoon in Memphis. How high the moon. Tonsilectomy. Anthropology. Always. Bobs boogie. Grand Central getaway. Ödets ironi - Yep roc heresi. Lady be good. St Louis blues
Framföres av Thore Ehrling, Emil Iwring, Lill-Arnes sväng-gäng, Alice Babs
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Music CD Music CD Biblioteket Brinellvägen CD 760 A+B Available AUTOBARCODE-1362
Total holds: 0

Innehåll: St. Louis blues. Hot love. Plinke plonke. Typer på Grönan. I want music. I've found a new baby. Mr Five by five. Mississippi mood. One hundred per cent. Jitterbug. Jumpin' at La Visite. Is you is or is you ain't my baby. Jam session. Hundred swing. Lulle's lullaby. Lulle's lullaby. Canon-boogie. Ridin' high. That da-da-strain. Truckin'. The Sheik of Araby. Body and soul. Reportage från Nalen. Flying home. I surrender dear. Hallelujah. If I could be with you. Painted rhythm. Tea for two. Stardust. After you've gone. Hey ba-ba-re-bop. All the things you are. I ain't got nobody. Sinbad the sailor. Sinbad sjöfararen. Shoo fly pie. Afternoon in Memphis. How high the moon. Tonsilectomy. Anthropology. Always. Bobs boogie. Grand Central getaway. Ödets ironi - Yep roc heresi. Lady be good. St Louis blues

Framföres av Thore Ehrling, Emil Iwring, Lill-Arnes sväng-gäng, Alice Babs

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