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Doo be doo wop bop! [Ljudupptagning] / Take 6

By: Material type: MusicMusicPublisher number: 7599-2567-2 | ReprisePublication details: Burbank, Calif : Reprise, p 1988Description: 1 CD stereo (CD)Subject(s): Genre/Form: Other classification:
  • Ysga
  • Ysgb
Innehåll: Gold mine. Spread love. If we ever. A quiet place. Mary. David and Goliath. Get away, Jordan. He never sleeps. Milky-white way. Let the words
Cast: Take 6: Mark Kibble ; Claude V. McKNight III ; Cedric Dent ; David Thomas ; Mervyn E. Warren ; Alvin Chea
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Music CD Music CD Biblioteket Brinellvägen CD 883 Available AUTOBARCODE-1363
Total holds: 0

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Innehåll: Gold mine. Spread love. If we ever. A quiet place. Mary. David and Goliath. Get away, Jordan. He never sleeps. Milky-white way. Let the words

Take 6: Mark Kibble ; Claude V. McKNight III ; Cedric Dent ; David Thomas ; Mervyn E. Warren ; Alvin Chea

Stockholm University of the Arts, Library, P.O. 24045, 104 50 Stockholm  biblioteket@uniarts.se /+46 8 49400582, 46 8 49 400 611