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Duncan dances [Videoupptagning] / produced by Ken Glazebrook and Norah Dale Allen ; directed by Ed Etsten

Contributor(s): Material type: FilmFilmPublisher number: IM16 | Insight MediaSeries: The spirit of dance : a conversation about dance ; 28Publication details: New York : Insight Media, [200?]Description: 1 DVD-Video : ljud, färgSubject(s): Other classification:
  • Ikz Duncan, Isadora/VC
  • Iky/VC
Cast: Patricia Adams, Julie Ince Thompson, Norah Dale AllenMusic: Debbie Wiseman
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
DVD DVD Biblioteket Brinellvägen DVD / Duncan Available 43731013842
Total holds: 0

Patricia Adams, Julie Ince Thompson, Norah Dale Allen

Music: Debbie Wiseman

Inspelad den 8 Augusti, 1997

Originalfilmen: Cape Cod Community Television, 1997

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