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Songs, drones and refrains of death : Apparition : A little suite for Christmas, A. D. 1979 [Ljudupptagning] / George Crumb

By: Contributor(s): Material type: MusicMusicPublisher number: BCD 9028 | BridgePublication details: New York : Bridge Records, p 1991Description: 1 CD : stereo + kommentarh. (22 s.)Subject(s): Genre/Form: Other classification:
  • Yki
  • Ykh
  • Yqfe
  • Yoaba
  • Yb.55
"Songs, drones and refrains of death", baryton, elgitarr, kontrabas, elpiano, slagverk / text av F. Garcia Lorca (25:10) -- "A little suite for Christmas, A. D. 1979", piano (14:58) -- "Apparition", sopran, piano / text av W. Whitman (22:44)
Cast: Medverkande: Sanford Sylvan (baryton) ; Jan DeGaetani, mezzo ; Speculum Musicae (instrumentalensemble) ; Lambert Orkis och Gilbert Kalish, piano ; mfl
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Music CD Music CD Biblioteket Brinellvägen CD 541 Available AUTOBARCODE-2132
Total holds: 0

"Songs, drones and refrains of death", baryton, elgitarr, kontrabas, elpiano, slagverk / text av F. Garcia Lorca (25:10) -- "A little suite for Christmas, A. D. 1979", piano (14:58) -- "Apparition", sopran, piano / text av W. Whitman (22:44)

Medverkande: Sanford Sylvan (baryton) ; Jan DeGaetani, mezzo ; Speculum Musicae (instrumentalensemble) ; Lambert Orkis och Gilbert Kalish, piano ; mfl

"Songs, drones..." sång på spanska. "Apparition" sång på engelska.

Dah JoG

Stockholm University of the Arts, Library, P.O. 24045, 104 50 Stockholm  biblioteket@uniarts.se /+46 8 49400582, 46 8 49 400 611