Fabula - the library catalogue at Stockholm University of the Arts

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Balalaika favorites [Ljudupptagning] : first recording ever made in the Soviet Union by American musical and technical staff and equipment : recorded by Mercury on location in Moscow / Osipov State Russian Folk Orchestra ; [Rudolf Belov domra soloist ; conducted by Vitaly Gnutov]

Material type: MusicMusicPublisher number: 432 000 2Series: Mercury living presence 35 mmPublication details: New York : Philips Classics Productions, 1990Description: 1 CD : stereoGenre/Form: Other classification:
  • Yu-ma
  • Ygf
14 instrumentalstycken för balalajkaorkester
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Music CD Music CD Biblioteket Brinellvägen CD 75 Endast lån inom Dans och Cirkushögskolan Available AUTOBARCODE-2475
Total holds: 0

Inspelad 1962

14 instrumentalstycken för balalajkaorkester

Dah JoG

Stockholm University of the Arts, Library, P.O. 24045, 104 50 Stockholm  biblioteket@uniarts.se /+46 8 49400582, 46 8 49 400 611