Fabula - the library catalogue at Stockholm University of the Arts

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Woyzeck ou L'ébauche du vertige / photogr. de Lajos Somlósi ; d'après le spectacle de Josef Nadj ; adapt. libre du Woyzeck de Büchner ..

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextLanguage: French Publisher: Orléans : Centre chorégraphique national d'Orléans, 1997Description: [129] p. ill., couv. ill. 22 cmSubject(s): Genre/Form: DDC classification:
  • 792.809
Other classification:
  • Iky-j.59
  • Inz Somlósi, Lajos
Ownership and custodial history: Zetterbergsamlingen
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Book Book Biblioteket Valhallavägen Ikad.s Woyzeck Available 43731008767
Total holds: 0

Titre de couv. : "Woyzeck."

Sdh Zetterbergsamlingen

Stockholm University of the Arts, Library, P.O. 24045, 104 50 Stockholm  biblioteket@uniarts.se /+46 8 49400582, 46 8 49 400 611