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The techniques of singing = Die Techniken des Gesangs / Nicholas Isherwood.

By: Material type: TextTextLanguage: English, German Original language: English Publisher: Kassel : Bärenreiter, [2013]Description: 212 s. ill., musiknoter 1 CDISBN:
  • 9783761818619
Other title:
  • Techniken des Gesangs
Subject(s): Genre/Form: DDC classification:
  • 783.048 23/swe
Other classification:
  • Ijnj
Summary: The music of 20th and 21st centuries demands a notably larger spectrum of abilities than traditional vocal literature. Nicholas Isherwooe desribes these techniques with numerous examples, gives practice tips and demonstrates the techniques on the CD included with this book. Composers will also benefit from this book, thanks in particular to information on vocal registers, their limits and possibilities. In addition, the musical examples provide an insight into various notation possibilities
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Book Book Biblioteket Teknikringen Ijn Isherwood 1 Available 43731020923
Total holds: 0

Medföljande CD innehåller ljudexempel på olika effekter och tekniker som diskuteras i boken

The music of 20th and 21st centuries demands a notably larger spectrum of abilities than traditional vocal literature. Nicholas Isherwooe desribes these techniques with numerous examples, gives practice tips and demonstrates the techniques on the CD included with this book. Composers will also benefit from this book, thanks in particular to information on vocal registers, their limits and possibilities. In addition, the musical examples provide an insight into various notation possibilities

Förord på italienska, tyska och engelska

Engelsk text med parallelltext på tysk

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