Contralto songs [Musiktryck] / compiled, edited and arranged by by Sydney Northcote.
Material type:
- notated music
- unmediated
- volume
- 783.6842147
- Xoaba(s)
- Xra(s)
Item type | Home library | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds | |
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Biblioteket Teknikringen | Xoa(s) Contralto | Available | 43731020041 | |||
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Biblioteket Teknikringen | Xoa(s) Contralto | Available | 43731020040 |
Voor contra-alt en piano.
För kontraalt och piano
Engelse tekst.
Bij de werken waar het Engels niet de oorspr. taal is staat de oorspr. tekst onder de Engelse vert.
Met voorw.
Praise of God = Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur / Beethoven, L. van -- Love triumphant = Von ewiger Liebe ; Night in May = Die Mainacht ; Sapphic ode = Sappische Ode / Brahms, J. -- O can ye sew cushions / Britten, B. -- As a sunbeam at morn = Come raggio di sol / Caldara, A. -- Oft have I sighed / Campian, T. -- Where corals lie (from Sea pictures) / Elgar, E. -- Author of all my joys = O del mio dolce ardor / Glucl, C. W. -- Serenade = Quand tu chantes / Gounod, C. -- Dearest consort = Cara sposa ; Verdant-meadows = Verdi prati ; How changes the vision = Cangio d'aspetto / Händel, G.F. -- Sea wrack / Harty, H. -- Enchantress / Hatton, J. L. -- Hark! what I tell to thee / Haydn, J. -- O my deir hert / Howells, H. -- Mignon's song = Mignon's Lied / Liszt, F. -- Cradle songs = Bei der Wiege / Mendelssohn, F. -- Adieu = Addio ; With a swanlike beauty gliding = Quando miro quel bel ciglio / Mozart, W.A. -- How few the joys / Rachmaninoff, S. -- Dewy violets = Le violette ; Like any foolisch moth I fly = Qual farfalleta amante / Scarlatti, A. -- Litany = Litanei ; Death and the maiden = Der Tod und das Mädchen ; To music = An die Musik / Schubert, F. -- The willow son / Sullivan, A. -- Nay, though my heart should break = Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt / Tschaikowsky, P.
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