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Corporealities : dancing knowledge, culture, and power / edited by Susan Leigh Foster.

Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Publisher: London : Routledge, 1996Description: xvii, 263 s. illISBN:
  • 0415121388
  • 0415121396
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 306.484 23/swe
Other classification:
  • Iky
  • Kt.5
  • Iky:d.5
The ballerina's phallic pointe / Leigh Foster, Susan ; History/theory - ciritcism/practice / Franko, Mark ; The re-turn of the flâneuse / Hammergren, Lena ; Antique longings: Genevieve Stebbins and American Delsartean performance / Ruyter, Nancy Lee Chalfa ; Dance and the history of hysteria / Phelan, Peggy ; Lifelessness in movement, or how do the dead move? / Gilpin, Heidi ; Dancin in the field: notes from memory / Ness, Sally Ann ; Fête accompli: gender, "folk-dance" and progressive-era political ideals in New York City / Tomko, Randy J. ; Overreading The Promised Land: towards a narrative of context in dance / Martin, Randy ; Fragments for a story of tango bodies (on Choreocritics and the memory of power) / Savigliano, Marta E.
Innehåller avsnitt om John Martin ; Genevieve Stebbins ; The promised land (Förenta staterna, Bill T. Jones, 1990)
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Course literature 7 days Course literature 7 days Biblioteket Brinellvägen Iky:d Corporealities 3 Available 43731014257
Course literature 7 days Course literature 7 days Biblioteket Brinellvägen Iky:d Corporealities 1 Available 43731002685
Course literature 7 days Course literature 7 days Biblioteket Brinellvägen Iky:d Corporealities 2 Available 43731002684
Total holds: 0

Transferred to digital printing 2010, ISBN 9780415121385

The ballerina's phallic pointe / Leigh Foster, Susan ; History/theory - ciritcism/practice / Franko, Mark ; The re-turn of the flâneuse / Hammergren, Lena ; Antique longings: Genevieve Stebbins and American Delsartean performance / Ruyter, Nancy Lee Chalfa ; Dance and the history of hysteria / Phelan, Peggy ; Lifelessness in movement, or how do the dead move? / Gilpin, Heidi ; Dancin in the field: notes from memory / Ness, Sally Ann ; Fête accompli: gender, "folk-dance" and progressive-era political ideals in New York City / Tomko, Randy J. ; Overreading The Promised Land: towards a narrative of context in dance / Martin, Randy ; Fragments for a story of tango bodies (on Choreocritics and the memory of power) / Savigliano, Marta E.

Innehåller avsnitt om John Martin ; Genevieve Stebbins ; The promised land (Förenta staterna, Bill T. Jones, 1990)

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