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Three song cycles [Musiktryck] / Gustav Mahler ; in vocal score.

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ScoreScoreLanguage: German, English Publisher: New York : Dover, 1991Description: 1 klavISBN:
  • 048626954X
Uniform titles:
  • Sång, röst, orkester. Urval
Other classification:
  • Xoaba(up)
  • Xoael(up)
  • Xqfd-fb(up)
Innehåll: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen = Songs of a wayfarer ; Kindertotenlieder = Songs of the deaths of children ; Das Lied von der Erde = The song of the earth
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Printed music Printed music Biblioteket Teknikringen Xoa Mahler Available 43731028177
Total holds: 0


Ursprungligen utg. 1897-1913

Innehåll: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen = Songs of a wayfarer ; Kindertotenlieder = Songs of the deaths of children ; Das Lied von der Erde = The song of the earth

Text på tyska med engelsk översättning

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