Fabula - the library catalogue at Stockholm University of the Arts

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Giovanni Battista Piranesi : the complete etchings : Gesamtkatalog der Kupferstiche : catalogue raisonné des eaux-fortes / Luigi Ficacci.

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextLanguage: English, German, French Publisher: Köln : Taschen, 2000Description: 799 s. illISBN:
  • 3822866202
Other title:
  • Piranesi [Spine title]
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 767.092 21
  • 767.092 21
Other classification:
  • Ibz Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
  • If-i.45
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Book Book Biblioteket Valhallavägen Ibz Piranesi Available 43731012086
Total holds: 0

Engelsk, tysk och fransk text

Stockholm University of the Arts, Library, P.O. 24045, 104 50 Stockholm  biblioteket@uniarts.se /+46 8 49400582, 46 8 49 400 611