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Vetenskapsteori / Carl Hempel.

By: Material type: TextTextLanguage: Swedish Original language: English Publisher: Lund : Studentlitt. 1977Manufacturer: Lund : Studentlitt.Edition: 6. trDescription: 121 s. 23 cmUniform titles:
  • Philosophy of natural science Svenska
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 501 23/swe
Other classification:
  • Ddc
  • U:d
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Book Book Biblioteket Brinellvägen Bf:b Hempel Available 43731005520
Total holds: 0

I 7.-10. tr. felaktigt ISBN 91-44-02541-7

Även tillg. med tryckår: 7.-8. tr., 1978 ; 9. tr., 1979 ; 17. tr., 1991. 121, [5] s. ; 10. tr., 1981 ; [11. tr., 1982] ; 12. tr., 1983 ; 13. tr., 1985 ; 14. tr., 1987 ; 15. tr., 1988 ; 16. tr., 1990 ; 17. tr., 1991 ; 19. tr., 1994 ; 20. tr., 1997 ; 21.[tr.], 1999

Stockholm University of the Arts, Library, P.O. 24045, 104 50 Stockholm  biblioteket@uniarts.se /+46 8 49400582, 46 8 49 400 611